“Sun is shining. Weather is sweet. Make you wanna move your dancing feet.”
Bob Marley
Summer blog 2023 is showing the latest news about Rappa Rasta Tours and Jamaica.
Summer time; 30 degrees in The Netherlands but still longing
for the turquoise ocean of Negril, Jamaica…
If you are adventurous or have seen the hot spots more than once, you must explore everyday life in small villages and meet the hidden gems of Caribbean Jamaica.
Read about Manchester retreat, solo travellers and herb farms!
Solo travelers; join Rappa Rasta Tours
How awesome is this?!
Sandra’s first trip to Jamaica (10 years ago) was as a solo traveller. Awesome impressions are from that time. Although it’s not always easy, Jamaica is a beautiful island, where you can easily get in touch with the locals. With a little faith and courage it will make the best experiences and memories ever.
“Great laughs, nature and vibrant people; it felt like home from the start”.
Guess what?
This year we got different requests from solo travelers. And we really like to say: ‘Yes, come join us!’ So how about joining a small group of 3 – 4 people for a 10-day tour?
Look at this model how your 10-days tour could look like.
When is a good time to go?
An excellent time to visit Jamaica outside the summer holidays and the high season in the middle of winter are these 3 months:
- October – after the summer heat
- Februari – winter break
- June – in between holidays
There is no bad time though!
If you like to visit a typical Jamaican festival like Reggae Sumfest or Rebel Salute, you should think about January or July.
Exploring the real Jamaica on a natural Rasta way.
Solo travellers, are you ready to join? We offer Authentic Travels in a Unique Style!
Link through our contact form and let us know your name, email address, age, wishes and month in which you want to discover Jamaica!
Country Retreat
1. Come, stay for free and help finishing the house: work
2. Give yourself a real Jamaican Country Retreat: chill
Picture above: Huge house Uncle Daniël
Pictures below: Destroyed house of Rappa by hurricane Ivan- Fruits all about as Manchester is farm land.
1. Transforming the house of uncle; work with pleasure
A long time ago, Rappa helped his uncle build his house. Although the house was still unfinished even then, Rappa lived there with his daughter for a while when she was little. This was during Hurricane Ivan (2004). His house, not far from the village square, was completely destroyed: three walls are still standing. Unfortunately, his house could never be rebuilt, but there was and still is room enough in Uncle Daniel’s house.
Fixing it up
Uncle Daniel has moved to the UK and has lived there for many years. The construction project has been halted and the condition of the house has deteriorated due to the weather, birds and people.
However, Rappa has conceived the plan to move back in and fix up the house.
Bird and wasp nests have been removed, floors swept and scrubbed. The bathroom is ready to be tiled and the roof needs to be repaired. There are still many chores to do, because the kitchen can be built and the garden also needs flowers, herbs and fruit trees in addition to maintenance.
Enough things to do. And what could be more fun than working on this project together?
One love, one heart, one destiny!

Pictures above: Hall way with staircase – Old grandparents house (were Rappa grew up from time to time – Renovation Project Bathroom – Herb and fruit farm
The more souls… the more fun.
Your help is welcome and it would be fun and relaxing too.
It’s great if you have knowledge of certain jobs. But otherwise, Rappa is there to teach you things, so don’t worry. In any case, you will cook together, so Jamaican cooking class is of course part of the stay 😉
Would you like to join Rappa helping with the ‘yard’, staying for a week or even more?
Your skills and company are more than welcome. Overnight stay is free, just set a date, buy your ticket and learn about Rasta livety.
sign up for a relaxing and fun working holiday!
2. Jamaican Country Retreat; Time for yourself – Chill
Are you ready to give yourself a healing Country Retreat?
This is a unique opportunity to rest, recharge, meet people if you wish or relax in a hammock or going to the nearby Milk River Spa- mineral bath.
Pictures above: View from the house with ocean in the back; chilling in the hammock
Spring water to drink and cool off at south coast river.
Things to do nearby
Just outside the village you can visit a spice farm where you will be warmly welcomed. In the village itself there is a school, a few shops and bars. A lot of Rappa’s family lives in the village and because Rappa partly grew up there, he of course knows everyone and vice versa.
Rappa’s yard is set back from the square on a dirt road surrounded by farmland and houses. Drinking water can be obtained from the pump at the end of the dirt road, or can be purchased in the shop. Rainwater for toilet and shower comes from the tank.
At night, when the wind blows, it is cool. But it can also be warm in Manchester.
You are welcome to come any time to chill; no need to wait till the project is finished. Just keep in mind, it’s not a 5 star-hotel with high class services.
You need to love a natural way of living, maybe you’ll cook your own dinner, walk around, chat to people or just like to read a book and enjoying the view.
If you are a person who needs continuous Wi-Fi, be aware that Wi-Fi is not always available.
Ask Rappa for the latest update about access and solutions by Jamaican sim card with access.
Overnight stays for the Country Retreat are fee based.
Get this laid back experience in a peaceful village and send us a message!
Natural farm in Manchester
tea – herbs – coconut – fruits
There is more to explore in the small village in the middle of farmland than you can imagen…
Although bauxite mining is coming close to villages in Manchester, farmers still try to keep their property and produce melon, scallion, coconut, herbs and tea.
The owner of the farm, Mr Williams, works with local farmers; buying their products as well. Since 1985 the demand for peppermint has been high, initially for export to Canada. The Jamaican peppermint is now very popular as a tea and is in great demand for brands such as Tops and Sipacupa. You can find these in the supermarket in Jamaica.
Mr. Williams is not always present at his farm, but often there are farmers on the property. There are regular educational tours for schoolchildren, students and farmers. But as a tourist / traveler there are no special tours; it is not located in a tourist area.
Nevertheless it is possible to bring a visit at the farm, it is customary to contribute.
Farm tour
During the tour you will learn about organic farming such as coconut trees and spices for tea. It’s amazing what kind of natural products can be used to keep certain insects away without killing them.
The farm is well known for the drying facility. Spices are dried in a controlled environment, this saves on loss of herbs, among other things.
Almost any herb can be used as tea
Besides of peppermint the farm produces rosemary, basil, moringa, cerasee and for instance turmeric.
Sandra’s favorite is definitely Lemon Grass.
What is your favorite herb tea?
What’s up?
- Our guests from the Netherlands brought seat covers for the Jeep. We are grateful to meet such lovely people and they thoroughly enjoyed their West End tour with Rappa.
Quote: We have a great day with Rappa Rasta Tours Rappa Rasta. Seen a lot, which we otherwise would never have been able to see!! Learned a lot of interesting things from Jamaica. Thanks Rappa!!!
- Most of the days Rappa is spending in the village he grew up; far south coast / Mandeville area. He is building a bathroom and kitchen to finish up the house his uncle started many years ago.
But when guests are coming; Rappa’s on the road!
Lately he’s done two 10 day tours and it’s been (J)amazing as always. Once again there is much to discover, and a lot of fun, so we are building beautiful memories with you. - Yeh yeh…Sandra finally paid a visit to Jamaica in March; she could only spend 2 weeks this time ;-( After a few days on the beach in Negril, both worked hard to get the house and the Jeep in a better condition.
The Jeep got a new windscreen already and little by little things will be up; wait for the new paint next year! - Blue Lagoon is open again! No fee asked for a swim, but in or on the water a security vest is required. Parking is way up the road, therefor a drop off can be arranged.
So dear travelers, thank you for exploring Jamaica with us. We are grateful for your trust and the time we spent together. We love to show you the beautiful Jamaica in an authentic way and are happy to see your smiles when on tour!
One love family, Blessings & Respect.